Opera CEO Jon von Tetzchner im Interview bei Forbes.com

Jon S. von Tetzchner, CEO bei Opera Software ASA wurde von Forbes.com interviewt, wo er über den Browser Opera, Nintendo Wii, weitere verfügbare Versionen der „Opera for Devices“-Version und über das „Nischendasein“ des Browsers neben dem Internet Explorer und Mozilla.


Einer der interessanten Punkte:

 Microsoft’s new browser includes a lot of features Opera and other browsers have had for years, including tabbed browsing. What’s still better about Opera?

We know people want more speed, so we’ve always focused on speed. Opera’s speed is normally considered to be the best. We download pages faster, but it’s more than that–it’s the convenience things. How would you like to do your browsing? We tried to add things in different ways to make life easier.

aber auch

What’s the next big step we can expect in Web browsing?

The change is that we are going to be on different devices. People are getting online with their mobile phones. They’re getting online with their game consoles and their televisions. That not only applies to making the browser available on those devices but also tying it better to your desktop computer.

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