[Update] Erste offizielle Informationen über Windows Mobile 6 enthüllt [Screenshots und Features]

Bei hive.net findet man erste offizielle Screenshots und Informationen zu Windows Mobile 6:


  • Email in Rich HTML Format.
  • Live links to SharePoint sites.
  • Windows Live for Mobile included in Windows Mobile 6.
  • New Security features such as remote wiping capablities if your device is lost or stolen.
  • Enhanced Windows Vista Syncronization through Windows Mobile Device Center.
  • Calendar ribbon gives you your important appoints quickly.
  • Contacts with context – call records now attached to individual contact cards in Windows Mobile 6.
  • .NET Compact Framework and SQL Server built in to Windows Mobile 6.

Update 10.02.2007:
Eine Vielzahl von neuen Screenshots findet man bei Engadget.

via Bink.nu

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